RAR Santa Fe is a group dedicated to supporting women, queer, trans, and non-binary people of color within cycling.
We are interested in using cycling as a means for learning, advocacy, and social change. All skills welcome, always.
Contact Us
IG @rar.santafe
Yvette Serrano
Yvette (she/her) is a multi-disciplinary artist, graphic designer, and community organizer based in Santa Fe, NM. Her practice is rooted in working with community, with a vision to support women, queer, trans, and nonbinary people of color within cycling.
Paloma Sanchez
Paloma(she/her) is a staff member at Chainbreaker Collective in Santa Fe, NM. She has a background in working with families and youth experiencing homelessness and finds moving around in the outdoors grounding and liberating. Paloma is interested in making cycling and the outdoors accessible to overlooked communities.
Brenda Serrano
Brenda (she/her) is a volunteer member at Chainbreaker Collective, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has developed a passion for the outdoors, and currently finds herself as a climbing instructor; encouraging individuals from different backgrounds to try the sport. Brenda hopes to engage Santa Fe’s community through cycling and encourage outdoor activities for everyone.
Twenty-one RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and FTWN-B cyclists in their local communities! Find a RAR Chapter in your area and learn more about each group.
Latest Chapter News
RAR Northeast Autumn Retreat
Have you heard? RAR Northeast Chapters are collaborating to create an autumn retreat in Topsham, VT, from Sept 13 to 16, 2024! WHAT IS RAR NAR? The first-ever Radical Adventure Riders Northeast Autumn Retreat is a long weekend full of workshops, group rides, shared meals, bonfire stories, community building, bike skills, and joy! The theme for the……
New RAR Chapters!
Give a warm welcome to the eleven new RAR Chapters! We had over twenty applications from BIPOC and FTWN-B organizers nationwide and beyond. We mainly sought groups in different regions who had a solid core group to build out their community efforts. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to apply. Twenty-one RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and……
RAR Raffle for Chapters Fundraiser
Donate to win prizes and help us raise $40k to grow RAR Chapters to 20 locations! Donate to the RAR Chapters Fundraiser to win sweet prizes from Salsa, Revelate Designs, Velocity Wheels, Teravail, Bags x Bird, and Simworks. A total of five prizes will be given away: To enter, please donate $25 to the RAR……