RAR and RAHOK present the Within & Without podcast. A series of off-the-chain dispatches from BIPoC and Allies discussing tensions within the cycling community and how we connect to ourselves and the world around us through cycling and the outdoors. Recorded throughout 2020 amidst a global pandemic and racial reckoning, this series shares the lived experiences of our moment.
These conversations help move us toward transformation: a transformation that centers the freedom and justice of our earth, amplifies voices from across the gender spectrum, and centers Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We acknowledge the energy of discomfort these conversations may bring and hope this very energy will help shift the greater dialogue to support the changes needed in outdoor and cycling communities – and our world.
Listen to Within & Without
We’re dropping a new episode every Thursday starting April 1st. You can find Within & Without via Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and wherever you find your podcasts.

Episode 1: Radical Roots and Responsibilities
Listen to the stories behind RAR and RAHOK and meet your co-hosts Rio Oxas and Everett Ó Cillín. This episode highlights voices from past WTF BX summits and speakers as they share their experiences and insights in the light of our present moment.
Featuring interviews with Grace Anderson, Devin Cowens, Alex Villalba, Olivia Williams, Kai Conradi, and Molly Sugar.
This episode is brought to you by SimWorks, connecting people from all over the world through a shared appreciation of cycling.

Episode 2: Centering Joy, Acknowledging Grief, Cycling Forward
Over the last several months, we got to hear from Black organizers and cyclists as they shared their experiences of joy and community through cycling and how 2020 has impacted the way they live, ride, and thrive.
Featuring interviews with Grace Anderson, Devin Cowens, Rachel Olzer, zahra alabanza, Ariana Lima, Lydia Moore, Olivia Williams, and Katelyn Durst.
Black Freedom Outfitters
Black Bike Culture Mapping Project by Red, Bike and Green

Episode 3: Riding on Turtle Island
Listen to personal stories and perspectives on connecting with the land through cycling and learn more about the complicated histories that define colonial concepts of wilderness and the outdoors.
Featuring interviews with Renee Hutchens, Christina Torres, Jesi Harris, Kait Boyle, Tez De La Tierra, Celia Denton, Alley/Ramon Reyes, and Mary Ann Thomas.
This episode was sponsored by our friends at Ride with GPS because great rides should leave you feeling inspired, not lost.

Episode 4: Gender is a Boundless Expanse
Hear stories from cyclists from across the gender spectrum share experiences with cycling and the outdoors. We talk about how people show up in the FTWN-B cycling community and what we can do to create more gender-inclusive spaces.
Featuring interviews with Kai Konradi, Mary Ann Thomas, Jesi Harris, Alex Villalba, Tez De La Tierra, Alley/Ramon Reyes, Lydia Moore, and Izzy Sederbaum.
This episode was made possible through the support of our friends at Swift Industries. Based in Seattle, Washington, Swift makes quality handcrafted bicycle bags for every adventure.

Episode 5: Rise ‘n Grind Campers
Learn about the RAR Gravel Program, why it was created, and what people experienced at the first gravel camp held at Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Arizona during February 2020.
Featuring interviews from gravel camp attendees Martina Brimmer, Natalia Cortes, Effie Bourgin, Izzy Sederbaum, Jess Kim, Hannah Dhonau, Katie Scott, Hannah Somhegyi, Maddi McCann, Lauren Nagel, and Cristina Francois.
This episode is brought to you by Specialized, sponsors of the RAR Gravel Team. Specialized believes that riding should be an adventure for everyone, and that’s why they’re a proud sponsor of RAR and this podcast.

Episode 6: Getting Our Bearings, Naming a Path Forward
Gain an understanding of the impact of naming what we see in the cycling and outdoor industry and how we can imagine a better path forward together.
Featuring interviews with Molly Sugar, Renee Hutchens, Christina Grande, Alex Villalba, and Kait Boyle.
This episode is brought to you by SimWorks, connecting people from all over the world through a shared appreciation of cycling.
Music is by Your Heart Breaks and graphics are by Molly Sugar.
This series is hosted by Rio Oxas of RAHOK and Everett Ó Cillín, former co-founder of the Radical Adventure Riders, and was produced and edited by Everett.

Supported by
Thank you to the generous supporters for making the Within & Without podcast possible.