Reno, NV sits east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and is on the Western edge of the Great Basin. We’re also about an hour from Lake Tahoe. As a result, there are incredible opportunities to engage with our natural surroundings by bicycle!
Reno, as a city, has become significantly more bike-friendly over the last few years for urban riders, however, many of the cycling communities that currently exist are not representative of the BIPOC FTWN-B communities. Forming a RAR chapter in our city will allow us to use our chapter as a tool for community organizing.
Our core team was brought together with a desire to create a safe(r) space to explore gravel riding/racing, bike packing, urban rides, and overall bike adventures that center BIPOC FTWN-B folks. We are excited about the ways in which having a RAR chapter in Reno will facilitate collaboration, community, organizing, and a safe space to grow, learn, and ride together while leveraging the connections and relationships we have with local organizations.
Contact Us

Erin Pappadeas
Erin (she/her) has been a beginner cyclist for a few years and is very excited to learn with this group. Erin moved to Reno in 2020 and enjoy experiencing this area with her bike. She is a web developer and volunteer to building 1-2 websites per year for local grassroots organizations.

Sue-Ting Chene
Sue-Ting (she/her) is a high school math teacher and a data specialist, and when she’s not doing that, she loves to read, bike, and crochet or knit. She loves riding around town with her kids in tow!

Sarah Jane Smith
Sarah Jane (she/her) is a public health professional by day and maker (@mount_rose_alchemy) by night, residing in Reno, NV. Moving to the Great Basin, she was re-inspired to get back on two-wheels to explore the diverse terrain in Nevada, after lots of years off a bike. In 2021 she started riding again as a casual cyclist, with an interest in gaining experience and building confidence to not only get back on the road, but also ride gravel, mountain, bikepack, and even take her pup, Osito, out on bike adventures in his bike trailer. In particular, she was inspired to be part of a community around biking that felt welcoming to those who have been under-represented in the outdoor adventure and cycling world, with varying levels of experience. She helped co-found the Reno Chapter (@rar.reno) of Radical Adventure Riders. She’s a sucker for vintage, steel bikes that are color coordinated.
Sarah Jane works in Public Health and runs a self/community care Apothecary (@mount_rose_alchemy) and vintage pop up on the side, Heavy Moon Vintage (@heavy_moon_vintage). She considers herself a life-long-learner, loves nature, sad county songs, her weird little dog -Osito, travel, big bodies of water, learning to play the drums, doing shit that scares her, laughter, embroidery + making things in her workshop and going on adventures. Sarah Jane also helped co-found our biggest little coffee outside chapter here in Reno (@coffeeoutsidereno).

Johanne Albrigtsen
Johanne (she/her) is an adventure cyclist, PhD student, cold water swimmer, and sagebrush lover. Johanne has been riding bikes since childhood. Stepping up her casual bike cruising, she raced cross-country and downhill mountain bikes in high school and college. Now in grad school, Johanne has circled back from racing to viewing bicycles as vehicles of joy (as well as efficient, fun, and carbon-conscious modes of transportation!)
RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and FTWN-B cyclists in their local communities! Find a RAR Chapter in your area and learn more about each group.
Latest Chapter News
RAR Northeast Autumn Retreat
Have you heard? RAR Northeast Chapters are collaborating to create an autumn retreat in Topsham, VT, from Sept 13 to 16, 2024! WHAT IS RAR NAR? The first-ever Radical Adventure Riders Northeast Autumn Retreat is a long weekend full of workshops, group rides, shared meals, bonfire stories, community building, bike skills, and joy! The theme for the……
New RAR Chapters!
Give a warm welcome to the eleven new RAR Chapters! We had over twenty applications from BIPOC and FTWN-B organizers nationwide and beyond. We mainly sought groups in different regions who had a solid core group to build out their community efforts. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to apply. Twenty-one RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and……
RAR Raffle for Chapters Fundraiser
Donate to win prizes and help us raise $40k to grow RAR Chapters to 20 locations! Donate to the RAR Chapters Fundraiser to win sweet prizes from Salsa, Revelate Designs, Velocity Wheels, Teravail, Bags x Bird, and Simworks. A total of five prizes will be given away: To enter, please donate $25 to the RAR……