The Northeast Ohio RAR Chapter is a rebranding for the BADASS (Bicycling and Diversity Alliance, Safe Space) organization. The BADASS group was founded by female-identifying members of the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op in early 2018.
It was a natural progression of the women-centered events happening at the bicycle co-op but was led to catering to the WTF community. Founding members felt passionate about intersectionality, especially BIPOC, the LGBTQ+ community, and folks with different abilities.
We will strive to create a place where FTWN-B and BIPOC folks in Cleveland and Akron, Ohio who ride bikes feel welcomed, supported, and part of a community, regardless of their cycling abilities or experience levels.
Contact Us

Annie Pease
Annie (she/her) is the Director of Transportation for University Circle Inc., a community development non-profit on the east side of Cleveland. She is responsible for implementing a three-part transportation and mobility plan for the district focused on increasing the number of people who use non-driving modes to access University Circle. She’s an active member of Bike Cleveland and is seeking LCI certification this summer.

Calley Mersmann
Calley (she/her) is the bicycle and pedestrian coordinator for the City of Cleveland and a League-Certified Instructor with the League of American Bicyclists. Calley previously worked for Cleveland’s Safe Routes to School program and volunteered to bring Open Streets events to the city.

Diana Hildebrand
Diana (she/her) is a super mom of 2 humans, 1 pup, and the founder of DevahD Cycling, LLC. Native to Cincinnati, Ohio Diana planted roots in Cleveland, Ohio in 2016, where cycling found her. Diana is a certified ride leader through YAY! Bikes Columbus, League Cycling Instructor through the League of American Bicyclist and Bike Ambassador for Bike Cleveland and Black Girls Do Bike Cleveland. As an LCI Diana travels to educate professionals about cycling infrastructure while continuing her “bike education” by being mentored by experts within the cycling community. Through these skills and knowledge gained over the years, 2018-current Diana has implemented programs for local agencies and organizations, leading weekly to monthly bike rides to engage the community and support the Cleveland bike culture while being a community resource by diligently working with city officials and key stakeholders to bridge the gap to support under-represented communities by offering the bicycle as a form of transportation as well as a form of mental, emotional and physical support.

Rodney Chapman
Rodney (they/them) has completed several solo multi-day tours and enjoys organizing and helping others get on their bike and stay on their bike for several days. They also work part-time at a sponsor bike shop, Dirty River Bicycle Works, and lives in Akron, OH. They want to use RAR to organize the community they live in to host bike rodeos, neighborhood slow rolls, and introductory bikepacking trips. As a nonbinary rider in a female body, they are excited to see some activity around getting more female bodies on bikes.

Theresa Augustin
Theresa (she/her) is on the Board of Directors at Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, the current chair of the marketing committee, and past 2-time president of the board. She raced with a local women’s racing team, tours between jobs, and loves to encourage cycling amongst friends and community. She is also a scholarship recipient of the QBP Bike Mechanic Scholarship.
RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and FTWN-B cyclists in their local communities! Find a RAR Chapter in your area and learn more about each group.
Latest Chapter News
RAR Northeast Autumn Retreat
Have you heard? RAR Northeast Chapters are collaborating to create an autumn retreat in Topsham, VT, from Sept 13 to 16, 2024! WHAT IS RAR NAR? The first-ever Radical Adventure Riders Northeast Autumn Retreat is a long weekend full of workshops, group rides, shared meals, bonfire stories, community building, bike skills, and joy! The theme for the……
New RAR Chapters!
Give a warm welcome to the eleven new RAR Chapters! We had over twenty applications from BIPOC and FTWN-B organizers nationwide and beyond. We mainly sought groups in different regions who had a solid core group to build out their community efforts. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to apply. Twenty-one RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and……
RAR Raffle for Chapters Fundraiser
Donate to win prizes and help us raise $40k to grow RAR Chapters to 20 locations! Donate to the RAR Chapters Fundraiser to win sweet prizes from Salsa, Revelate Designs, Velocity Wheels, Teravail, Bags x Bird, and Simworks. A total of five prizes will be given away: To enter, please donate $25 to the RAR……