RAR Finger Lakes

RAR Finger Lakes was started in the spring of 2021. Kimberly Wiman, who previously led the grassroots Baltimore-based group WTF Mid-Atlantic, joined Tara Escudero in Elmira and Katie Cochrane in Geneva to connect a community of bike adventurers on Haudenosaunee land.

They seek to strengthen and expand the community of BIPOC and FTWN-B bikepackers and make accessible the healing and joy of traveling together by bike during this second year of the pandemic.



Kimberly (she/her) is a Peruvian American physical therapist and aspiring forest farmer/homesteader on Onödowa’ga:’ land, where she and her partner manage 3 acres of field and forest for ecological health and food production. Kimberly has spent the pandemic working as a home health PT serving the homebound elderly in NYC then later as a rehab PT in a nursing home in Ithaca, NY where she currently works. Bikes have been a constant bridge to healing, embodiment, and community throughout Kimberly’s adult life. As a bike organizer, she creates spaces to allow herself and others to experience the joy, lightness, and therapeutic power of traveling the landscape by bike. It’s her dream to ride in the southern Andes of Perú and end a trip at the valle del río Huanca Huanca where her family still lives.



Tara (she/her) has worked in the bike industry for the last ten years as an organizer, mechanic, educator, and technical consultant. She believes in the joy bikes give and their ability to be used for liberation.



Katie (she/they) is a beverage maker, fermentationist, farmer, and general nuisance from Philadelphia. A former member of NightCAP’s Brooklyn chapter, Katie first experienced bike camping at Floyd Bennett Field, where they fell hard and fast for the freedom found astride two wheels—and the deeply joyful community that comes with it. After an unexpected move to the Finger Lakes for the 2020 harvest season, Katie now lives with her feline companion Little Cat in Geneva, NY. They dream of a more equitable, accessible, sustainable, and just future for rural and urban communities alike.


RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and FTWN-B cyclists in their local communities! Find a RAR Chapter in your area and learn more about each group.

Latest Chapter News

  • RAR Northeast Autumn Retreat

    RAR Northeast Autumn Retreat

    Have you heard? RAR Northeast Chapters are collaborating to create an autumn retreat in Topsham, VT, from Sept 13 to 16, 2024! WHAT IS RAR NAR? The first-ever Radical Adventure Riders Northeast Autumn Retreat is a long weekend full of workshops, group rides, shared meals, bonfire stories, community building, bike skills, and joy!  The theme for the……

  • New RAR Chapters!

    New RAR Chapters!

    Give a warm welcome to the eleven new RAR Chapters! We had over twenty applications from BIPOC and FTWN-B organizers nationwide and beyond. We mainly sought groups in different regions who had a solid core group to build out their community efforts. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to apply.   Twenty-one RAR Chapters will advocate, support, and uplift BIPOC and……

  • RAR Raffle for Chapters Fundraiser

    RAR Raffle for Chapters Fundraiser

    Donate to win prizes and help us raise $40k to grow RAR Chapters to 20 locations!  Donate to the RAR Chapters Fundraiser to win sweet prizes from Salsa, Revelate Designs, Velocity Wheels, Teravail, Bags x Bird, and Simworks. A total of five prizes will be given away: To enter, please donate $25 to the RAR……