Three comprehensive resource lists to continue your education on anti-racism.
1. #BlackTransLivesMatter Actions & Resources for Solidarity
This resource document was a collaborative effort between people who stand in solidarity with Black trans women and wanted to make a difference, and some of the foremost Black trans leaders in community and culture. It is a breathing document, so we welcome your suggestions on additions or amendments. Created and guidance by @RaquelWillis, @janetmock, @Nalasimonet, @MsPackyetti, @pfpicardi , and @dj_diabeatic. Artwork by @lavenderlilacviolet . đź–¤
2. Antiracist Allyship Starter Pack
This detailed spreadsheet was created by Tatum Dorrell, Matt Herndon and Jourdan Dorrell. As @tatumdorrell states “no more gentle conversations, do & be better or excuse yourself”. 🖤
3. Shareable Antiracism Resource Guide
A comprehensive guide originally crafted amidst the anger of the black body turned hashtag #AhmaudArbery. Please consider paying Tasha K. (Venmo @tatortash) for doing this work for you! “It is important to start somewhere, even though there is no end point. This is a tool. This does not even brush the surface of anti-racism resources, but it is a start. Learning, re-learning, and decolonizing history are all necessary pieces of this journey, but should coincide with other things like listening, taking action, financially supporting, decentering whiteness, etc. ” – Tasha K đź–¤