Meet the crew helping with the SJ Brooks Scholarship this year.
Río Oxas from Rahok is helping support and co-lead the scholarship crew. We’re also grateful to include voices from former scholarship recipients on a committee to pay it forward to the next generation of recipients. The committee is co-crafting the application, reviewing submissions, and selecting the candidates for the SJ Brooks Scholarship.
We’re stoked on their expertise and guidance for the 2021 scholarship!
Río Oxas
Río Oxas is of Nahuat-Pipil and Mayan ancestry born & raised in Tongva lands (Los Angeles, California). Río identifies as nonbinary, queer, and Two-Spirit and is national speaker, educator, realtor and consultant for equity and racial justice. They are the co-founder of RAHOK, a family-owned business that illuminates the interdependence of Race, Ancestors, Health, Outdoors and Knowledge to cultivate loving Eco-Hoods. RAHOK provides services in education, land stewardship, and asset management with an emphasis to uplift our Black Indigenous People of Color communities. Above all, Río Oxas alongside my family seek to remember our ancestral medicines as a way of being in joy, health, freedom and liberation.
IG: @riooxas | Website: | Email:
Narmine Ben Aissa
Narmine Ben Aissa is a 2020 SJ Brooks Scholarship recipient, originary of Tunisia in North Africa, and currently calling Northwest Arkansas home, studying Economic Analytics at the University of Arkansas. Narmine is a tech and economics enthusiast who has a passion for bikes and an interest for the impact of bikes on the economy and women empowerment. Narmine mostly uses her bikepacking bike to commute to school and to run errands. She
Has a mission to make mountain biking accessible to (Black, Indigenous, person of color) TWIG (Trans, Women, Intersex, Gender Queer).
Grace Anderson
I’m a network weaver, dreamer and adventurer living on Ohlone land in Oakland CA. I love bicycles but even more, I love being outside with people who make me think, giggle, and push myself. I am committed to accessing and moving resources towards supporting the dreams of Black, Indigenous, and People of color.
IG: @amaze_me_grace
Evelyn Murcia
A previous SJ Brooks Scholarship recipient who resides on Piscataway lands in Arlington Virginia. Also a mother to an energetic toddler who’s passions started with bike mechanics and grew to envelope the many possibilities and avenues cycling has illuminated in her life. Currently enjoys learning more about gravel riding, getting ready for cross, and riding around with her toddler to playgrounds while doing all the fun errands. Looking forward to connecting and assisting others on their bike journeys.
IG: @ebebi7302